slow start to the new ladder
The finds are starting to trickle in...

IK Belt - my first decent set drop

A tri-enchanted Pindleskin :)

Witchwild String - a nice bow to upgrade.

Wizardspike - unique bone knife... I'll try and use this one on a hammerdin build.

Finally!! A weapon for my merc!! Bonehew is nice, but the high strength requirement means my merc can't use it for the next 2-3 levels :(

One of Pindle's minions drop a Nord's Tenderizer - unique truncheon.

And a Stoneraven - unique Matriarchal Spear. This one spawned with good mods - +3 skills, 45 resists but low ED.

Hellmouth - war gauntlets

And probably my best find till date - Trang Oul's Girth - set troll belt. This is the rarest set belt in the game, a kick ass belt in its own right and one of the 2 rare items of the set.
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