The lean patch starts
Recently there has been a lean patch... maybe something to do with the latest patch (1.11) being released. I have done lots of runs, and found very few interesting.
Amongst those which will not be represented here... peasant crown (unique war hat) and greyform, quilted armour - a very low level armour (I think the lowest possible unique armour there is). I saved it just for that one reason... might be a nice twinking armour for my low level chars :)
The second day the patch was released, in my first game - a pindle run as usual, Pindle dropped this -

Yes sirree - one of the rarest weapons in the game - Astreon's Iron Ward. A nice weapon. Didn't spawn with the best possible ED, but it did spawn with +4 to Paladin combat skills. Nice :)
It seems like Blizzard have changed the temporary ban message from "Realm Down" to this -

I got a few of these messages, but no more interesting items :(
So what do you guys think about 1.11? Personally I think the new world event (fighting new demon Lilith, Izual and Duriel and then the 3 prime evils again in Tristram) is essentially for fully powered up and super strong characters packed with high end rune words. Not for guys like me who're still finding semi-good stuff to stick on my characters. Not to mention the absolute need for teaming up with other similarly superstrong characters with uber gear! I think it will just be easier to trade one of them new Hellfire charms than to try and get one by myself :)
As far as I am concerned, I'll just continue my item running and try and grow my characters as and when I find good stuff!
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