if you build it, they will come... the story of a very special bow :)
Man what a moment... to see Pindleskin fold under the jab of my merc, and a very special item to pop out :)))))) Yes... that's about how wide my grin was at the moment, and even now :))))
The Gods of item drops were kind to me today... and here's some of the stuff I found.
Needless to say, I deserve it in some measure after my "Ormus' Robes" accident yesterday!!
But first... a few other finds (some of them nice)

One of the prowling dead in Pindle's garden drop my second Trang's armour.

And Mephisto re-introduces me to my old friend, the Immortal King's Stone Crusher - set ogre maul! Now only 2 gloves and boots remaining to complete the Immortal King set! Needless to say, I will be using the Gorefoot unique heavy boots on my Barbarian at low levels.
A small note here about completing this set or any set for that matter. I could have long ago completed the IK set or Griswold's set by trading. But I think that really takes the fun out of the game. It's a much much bigger thrill if you play with kickass items, and you found them all!!
I remember the first time I traded something nice... I think it was a Hellslayer. I had never found a Hellslayer before that. And somehow trading for it wasn't the same. I never used it, but I didn't really feel like using it. However when I found other really nice items all by myself, I really enjoyed using them on my characters.
Just like my IK barbarian will be much more fun because I found all the pieces of the set all by myself!
Anyway... on with the finds!!

This is where Mephisto dropped a Twitchthroe, unique studded leather (this armour kicks ass for paladins/ amazons who want to melee but want to avoid getting hit), and Dracul's grasp, unique vampirebone gloves. A nice pair of gloves, and a nice pair of drops :) Thanks Mephisto!
And now the piece de resistance...

Yes... an unid unique Hydra Bow. Welcome to my stable, Windforce!!!!!
I always wanted this bow... but could never afford it. This weapon is legendary, and now my amazon will wield it!!!!!!
This drop justified my faith in my item-finding necro. If you build it, they will come!! All it takes is patience, faith and a modicum of luck :)))))
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