More finds and more misses
The Gods of item drops have not been very kind to me lately... but once in a while something nice-ish drops and keeps me going :)
Hell Mephisto and Hell Baal keep dropping crap... but it's that one drop in a long while which makes it all worthwhile :)))
As before - some misses first -

This could have been Boneshade, an awesome unique lich wand - excellent weapon for a bone necromancer.
This could have been Bul Kathos' Sacred Charge, or better - the Grandfather :)

This could have been Dragonscale - unique Zakarum shield
Some non-misses now -

Dark Adherent - set dusk shroud from the Disciple set. Needless to say, I didn't pick this one up :)))

Blade of Ali Baba - thanks Pindle - I already have one ;)

Shaftstop - unique mesh armour - probably worth an upgrade...

Hell Baal dropped a lot of green stuff - mostly worthless... But the green Avenger Guard (Immortal King's Will) leaves only 3 more pieces I need to collect to complete the set! But I think - since the game decided that 4 of the items dropped were going to be set items, what if only kick ass elite items would have dropped - that would have been a good run :))

A Bonehew - unique ogre axe. I'm not a big fan of these - mainly because in my last D2E stint, Pindle dropped like 10 of these :)) All in all, not a bad weapon - 2 sockets too.

Nice bow - Bloodraven's charge. This one is a 1.10 addition to the game. Never used one... the % boost to attack rating (290%) seems impressive. This one spawned with +3 to skills (can be 2-4). Will try it out on my bowazon.

Andariel's visage. Nice helm - +2 skills, huge poison resists. But big penalty to fire resist. Again, last time around, I found 4 of these, so not too thrilling.

My second flamebellow... maybe I'll create a dual flamebellow barb... totally +6 to fire skills and 33 level inferno. Might be fun :)

Hell Mephisto dropped Trang's armour (not the best find), and Gimmershred, the unique flying axe. The stats and damage of Gimmershred seem nice. Will work nicely when I make a throwing barb.
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