the impossibility of upgrading to a Zod
For all those amongst us who hoard countless runes hoping to cube them and one day get a zod... I have done some calculations and here's the spreadsheet

The way you read the sheet is locate the low level on the Y axis (the 1st column), then scroll to the right until you hit the column with the name of the high level rune (the names in the first row) and the intersection of the 2 will give you the number required.
I've started with a Thul, which is the highest you can cube without using gems.
Also I have not added number requirements for the countless chipped, flawed, normal and flawless gems that will be required.
Just a look at the number of thuls required for a Zod (725 Million) is enough to realize the futility of endeavouring such a quest.
It might be useful to upgrade to a higher rune occasionally, but cubability all the way up to a Zod seems to be Blizzard's insult on top of the injury that is the impossibility of finding high level runes :)
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