and then there were the fantastic and useless drops
Have you ever had occasion to disbelieve your eyes because an impossible item dropped? And then curse your luck that your incredible good luck had to be wasted on a useless (though incredibly rare) item?
Lately I had just such an occasion.
Not much to report recently... I have spent some time in levelling up my mace barbarian to wear the IK set items. He got as far as the belt. I think this is the point where he's missing the boots and the gloves for the stats boosts. At the moment, he sucks ass in nightmare difficulty... not doing nearly enough damage with his bonesnap unique maul, and having to pop potions all the time. Kinda discouraging when you consider the fact that the maul is supposed to be such a high damage weapon!
Recently, Mephisto runs have become my pet peeve. For 2 main reasons...
1. The impossibly convoluted and large maps for durance 2
2. Undead Stygian Dolls
The combination of the 2 factors has ensured that my necro has died a number of times, and the damn runs take too goddamn long!
The problem with the dolls is that they move with lightning speed and immediately stab my necro to reduce his life by 20-30% before he can run behind his minions. And then, they explode when they die, causing massive damage and most of the times, instantly killing me. Many times, the mishap happens because all my minions suddenly teleport next to me (as they are wont to do once in a while), a doll runs up and tries to stab, dies instantly because it gets hit by 10 skeletons, 1 merc and many revives all at once, and takes me with it (goddamn dolls!!)
And to top it all off, Mephisto drops green chain boots or green brest plates!! Like adding insult to injury. I've had games in which I've run for 15 - 20 minutes without sight of the way to Durance 3! Go figure!
Anyway... on with the finds...

A unique Ogre Maul... windhammer. Maybe I'll create a druid to use this one.

And one of the rarest weapons in the game... the Stormspire, unique Giant Thresher. An impossible find! Too bad the weapon sucks and can be easily bettered by a number of less rare uniques and a number of yellow polearms/spears.
Another recent find of note - a Lacerator, unique Flying Axe, dropped by Mephisto. Messed up the screenshot much like with Mavina's Caster.
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