the last few drops before the new ladder season
Haven't been finding nearly enough stuff recently - I guess it's a loooong lean patch :)
The new ladder season starts tomorrow... and I will start playing the ladder. I will not be playing as frequently as before, because I'm probably travelling in the coming week and an internet connection might not be available :(
The new ladder season is exciting - it means some initial pains to get to a decent level to do item runs. But the items I find will be worth much more than the current situation with countless dupes. It seems Blizzard have counted in the fact that so many people use duped stuff - especially the insanely overpowered rune words. EBOTDs are as common as Isenhart's breast plates nowadays. The new world quest has super monsters which are invincible except against players with these super runewords. Sad. It'll be better for sometime in the new ladder - until people start finding the high runes and duping them once more.
Anyway - on with the finds... like I said before, not a lot of stuff dropped in the past few days.

Horazon's Tornado. Too bad - Stormlash is a better scourge.

And Pindle drops my second Shadow Killer, unique battle cestus.

Ahhhh now we're talkin! Steelrend Ogre Gauntlets. Very nice gloves. This one spawned with very low mods tho. Still, very nice find :)
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