finally an HR drop!!
Got home tonight (Friday) after 4 pints of beer in a pub with mates. A bit sad to be back so soon, but 4 pints is good going in 2 hours :)
The news? Well... I bought a new laptop yesterday! I will not get it until Monday however :(
However... back early and a bit jolly, I hit the countess with a vengance tonight. And within an hour and a half, I managed to snag myself an Ist! Check out this screenshot!

Here I am, cursed, all out of Mana, and hoping that the damn game.exe app does not accidently disconnect before I get a screenprint!
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you - an Ist rune! The highest the countess can drop as her special rune drop! Only my second Ist rune (the first one was also dropped by the countess!), and only my second highest rune ever! (the higest was a Lo)
Game on - and may the Gods of High Runes be with you!!!!!!