new drops
A long overdue post... more so because after the last post, I got another computer and have been running 2 player games on the closed realm of Asia.
Some interesting drops... including some first timers for me.

Here's a 7% mfsc. Highest magic find you can get on a small charm. Relatively rare... but not in as much demand since they released the new godly runewords.

Baal drops a grand charm. These can be re-rolled for potentially godly stats using 3 perfect gems. I might trade this eventually... I now have 4-5 of these.

Hellforge rolls an Um... the highest rune I have ever got off this quest.

Baal drops a unique ring. This one turned out to be another ravenfrost.

A good small charm... 100 poison damage and 3% faster run/walk.

Baal drops yet another one of those grand charms.
Something wrong with blogger... images have stopped uploading now... will have to post again for the remaining ones
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