The finds keep trickling in...
Some very nice finds and some of the old regulars making their appearance in this instalment -

The first find - a yellow Colossus Blade. Always annoying when that happens ^^

Another Jade Talon... I must have found a dozen of these by now!!

Baal dropped another Lacerator - winged axe.

Pindleskin drops a Barana's Star - unique devil star.

Bartuc's Cut Throat drops in the frozen tundra.

Pindle dropped another Redeemer... yawn

Mephisto dropped another one of those ethereal axes... this one I sold for 3006 gold. If another one drops, I'll give up doing runs!!

And Mephisto drops a Redeemer too... dear God - give me a break!!

Mephisto finally breaks the jinx! My oh my, I do believe this is the first time I have found one of these! Arreat's Face, unique slayer guard! This one spawned with 6% life leech and 182% enhanced defence... pretty darn good!

Mephisto drops a golden amulet. This one turned out to be Atma's Scarab.

Mephisto drops a Hellslayer, unique Decapitator.

Mephisto drops a Demon Limb, unique Tyrant Club

And finally, Mephisto redeems himself again by dropping the Guardian Angel, unique Templar Coat - one of the best armours available to any paladin!